Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Holiday Happenings

We had a rather crazy Christmas Holiday. Susan and family and Clayton and Danielle all came and stayed at our house. It was lots of fun but wild. Especially with Gabby being sick and then Carter having his throwup session at 2am in the morning. Nothing like giving someone a bath at 2am in the morning. I still loved having everyone here. We went to childrens mass with Paul on Christmas Eve. It was so crowded and we ended sitting way in the back so it was hard to hear and tell what was going on. We gave everyone BYU sweats for their Christmas eve pjs. they are all warm and soft. I personally love mine. I think everyone else did also. I woke everyone up at 6am Christmas morning. I felt pretty good about letting them sleep so late because I wanted to wake them up earlier because I get so excited and cannot sleep because I am so impatient to give everyone their gifts. We had the traditional breakfast casserole and oranges for breakfast after opening gifts and went and visited mom and dad and then came home to play with all of our new toys. We had lots of good food on Christmas day. Mom and Dad Phillipp and pat came for dinner. Everyone seemed happy with the stuff that they received for Christmas. I love my new Zune. I have been downloading all of the cds that I have and have not even started to use any of the space. I also got two gift certificates to Barnes and Noble (totally the best gift for someone like me who absolutely cannot get enough to read). In fact I went and spent some time in Barnes and Noble to day and bought two cds - Best of Simon and Garfunkel and also Credence Gold/Credence Clearwater Revival. makayla wanted to know who both of the cds were. My age was showing and so was hers. they are awesome cds and I have already loaded them on to my Zune. I also bought three new books. I then came home and ordered two more books on line because I had some money left and also I had received an 10% discount coupon for an online order. I love getting new books. Well I have rambled on long enough. Looking forward to the New Year celebrations. Talk to all of you later. Bye now.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Busy Weekend
What a busy weekend I have had, but it was lots of fun. My company party was Friday night at Steve Thompsons home. Then Saturday morning my family was invited over to a Breakfast Christmas Party. We had to bring white elephant gifts. The food was delicious and we ended up with a bizarre tie for Paul, I received a gallon can of pickled jalapeno peppers, Makayla a Christmas CD and Harmoni some funny Christmas decorations. It was a fun way to start out the day. I then finished house cleaning just before Danielle and Clayton showed up. harmoni went to work and makayla ended having some friends over to play games with. I went shopping with Danielle and Clayton to buy just a few finishing gifts. Danielle and I then frosted cookies, dipped caramels, dipped pretzels, made chocolate cookies that were her family recipe and put them in the freezer for Christmas Eve. We finally finished all of the goodies and made some dinner. Clayton and I then went shopping again to replace some fish. It is really hard with so many too choose from at the pet store. Hopefully they will live this time. I am excited to hear from Clayton on how things went with the new fish. We finished out the evening watching the newest Harry Potter movie. Until about 10:30 when we turned it off because we were all getting so tired and Clayton needed to get his new fish home. He was probably up all night getting them set up. I am going to wrap all of my gifts on Sunday and Monday before someone sneaks into the downstairs bedroom and takes a peek. Well better get back to wrapping gifts. Bye now.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Yea it is Friday
I am so glad Friday is finally here. I went Christmas shopping with Amanda yesterday. I only have two more gifts to buy. I cannot wait to get done. I finished making all of my homemade gifts yesterday. I am going to bake some cookies and make some candy this weekend. I get to help with Kurt Killians wedding reception tomorrow. It is rather strange to have all of these young men married that ran around with Clayton. Time has gone by so fast. It just seems yesterday that they were all new scouts hanging out at our house with Paul. We are celebrating Paul's dads birthday on Sunday - he will be 80 years old. He is in really great shape for someone that age.
Well have to be going. Bye now.
Well have to be going. Bye now.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I did not realize it had been so long since I posted last. We had a great Thanksgiving. Susan & family came and mom and dad. We had lots of good food and had a great visit. Danielle and Clayton came Friday and visited with us and we played cards for awhile. We were fortunate to attend a fireside that was put on by Michael McClean on adoption on Sunday. We took the whole family and it was wonderful. I think I cried the whole program. It brought back alot of the memories of the despair that we felt when we found out that we could not have children. The program talked about trying to adopt the perspective of the mother giving the child away the receiving parents and also the grandparents of the child being adopted out. It made me remember how blessed that we are to have been able to adopt and have children in our home. I am trying to get ready for the Super Saturday in our ward. It is this Saturday. I hope that I have everything that I need by now. I get to go to Book Club tonight and am really excited. I really enjoy reading and it is lots of fun to get together with other women and discuss a good book. Well have to go now.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Yea The weekend
Yea it is Friday. Makayla and I just got back from the mall. they sure have alot of cute things out at the mall, but I have a hard time spending $29 for a tank top. I found a really cute green coat that I might just have to buy. I am thinking hard about it and showed it to makayla in case the girls want to get it for me for Christmas. I went and did alot of window shopping trying to get some ideas for the girls for christmas. Clayton and Danielle are coming tomorrow and we are going to play some games and do some visiting. I am really looking forward to Amanda's workshop tomorrow. I like to make all of the things that she brings to her workshops. Well have to be going. Bye now.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Weekend News
We had a very busy weekend. We had Susan and family, Amanda and family and Clayton and Danielle at our house this weekend. It was fun but rather crazy. Paige was cooing and smiling at us this weekend. She is getting so big. Paul and I went to Clayton and Danielle's home on Monday and put in a new floor in their entry way. It looks so much better than the cracked grey linoleum. It was hard work but it made them happy so it was worth all of the hard work. Their home is so comfy and right for them. I finally got into my office today and cleaned it up. It was an absolute mess and I could not even get into it to do anything. but it is all organized again and I can get in and update my blog site. Well have to be going. bye now.
Friday, November 2, 2007
I received a chewing out from Susan because I had not posted since 10-27. But I have a good excuse, I have not been feeling well. I finally went to the doc and I have strep throat. I am on antibiotics and also mucinex for the cough that I also developed. It makes me so mad I had plans to go in to get my flu shot the morning that I woke up with the sore throat. I ended up home from work today. Not what I had planned. Tomorrow is Paul's Bday and I had all of these plans to get things done which are not going to happen. Luckily I had already given him his bday present. I am hoping for a better day tomorrow so that we can all go out to lunch for the bday boy. Kate is coming into town with the new baby and we are going to an open house at Steve and Mollys to check out Marcus. I hate staying home all day. There is absolutely nothing on tv. I did sleep alot. I also checked out all of the pictures of the halloween costumes of the nieces and nephews. They were really scary. bye now.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Weekend Fun
We went to card club today and made a really cute card. Photo attached. the kids have had a blast playing in the leaves. ( Susan and kids came for the weekend) I keep cleaning the floor every time they come thru. I need to give it up until they are done. Paul went off hunting with his sister Annette and her friend Bob for a moose. Hopefully they will get the job done quickly. I went to Book Club on thursday and absolutely loved the experience and looking forward to next month. we will be reading Angels and Demons which I have already read. But it is a good book so I will skim it before club. Well have to go chase down some kids. bye for now.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Well what a long day yesterday. All the driving, which I absolutely hate. We found Harmoni a car in Malad. I will post a picture later today. She was so excited she was screaming and loves it. The kids were fun although little Paige is not the happiest of babies. It is a good thing she is so cute. Carter got jumped on by a dog when he went with Paul to look at the car and the dog scratched his face pretty bad. It looks like he got in a fight. The dog got both sides of his face with his paws. Max about talked our ear off with all of the stuff he needed to tell us and he kept asking when we were going to go camping again. Gabby had a great checkup but was mad at us because we had to leave after she got home and she wanted to visit with us more. We stopped in Poky and did dinner with Amanda & Leif and finally got home at 8:30 last night. Well bye now
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday Morning
Another Monday morning starting the week out running. Paul and I are headed off to Tremonton this morning to keep an eye on the kids for Susan while she takes Gabby to Shriners Hospital. We are looking forward to playing with Max Carter and Paige. We had a busy weekend. Paul went hunting but did not find anything to shoot. I was busy cleaning house, shopping and I got all of my visiting teaching done before the end of the month. Yea!! Amanda and McKinley spent Saturday with us hanging out. Amanda and I hit the open house at Roberts and bought just a few things. We also went to this other store that is only open on Friday and Saturday and did not get to shop to long since we went at 2:45 and they close at 3. but looking forward to this Friday so that I can go back. They had great things for decorating the home and in the style that I use for my house. Well better be going so that I can finish getting ready for the trip today.Bye now.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Yea!! it is Friday finally. Long long week. Going to frost Rita's hair today. I want to go to the new shoe store in town and see if I can find some brown shoes. I loaned my other pair to Denise to wear at the wedding and I think I will give them to her because they really make my feet hurt. I do not know why because they are not tight. Maybe the arch isn't quite in the right spot. I am going to go to a bridal shower tomorrow for Kurt Killian's fiancee. It should be fun because I have never met her. Paul went hunting today and saw a moose and one deer running away. so he did not get to shoot anything this morning, maybe later today when he goes back out. He is picking up an older Honda 4 wheeler that he got for $65 that he thinks he will be able to fix for just a little money and then he will have a newer 4 wheeler. Ours is only 23 years old.
I am going to Utah on Monday to help Susan with the kids. She needs to go to the Shriners Hospital for Gabby's annual checkup and wants to take all of the kids. It should be an adventure. Paul said that he would drive down with me, which makes me happy because it is getting to be such a boring drive. Well bye for now.
I am going to Utah on Monday to help Susan with the kids. She needs to go to the Shriners Hospital for Gabby's annual checkup and wants to take all of the kids. It should be an adventure. Paul said that he would drive down with me, which makes me happy because it is getting to be such a boring drive. Well bye for now.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
perfecting the blog site
I added some new elements to our blog site today. I cannot believe how long it took me. Usually I am not so computer illiterate. I like the slide show and the new clock. I would really like to add some music also. It is a fun thing to do and I think everyone in the family should have one so that we can keep tabs on each other and also to share photos of all of the little kids in the family. Well bye for now.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Well the weekend was great and busy. I did not get very many pages done at the overnight scrapbooking considering all of the stuff that I hauled down to Pocatello. We had a great time visiting and spending time together. We only stayed up until about 2:30, all the kids said they were too tired and not feeling inspired. I had my second wind by then and was ready to go all night but decided that I better go to bed since everyone else was. McKinley hollered at me first thing Saturday about 7am. She wanted to have someone help her out of her room. She is so cute and fun to spend time with. I also was chasing picture frames for my cousin from Wyoming all weekend as I was running from Idaho Falls to Pocatello. She needed 41 11x14 frames for her Super Saturday project and we were finally able to find the last of them in Blackfoot. I finished the last of the vampire books Eclipse. I am very excited for the new book to come out which it appears will not be too soon. The books were great. I enjoyed every minute of reading them and could not put them down once I had started.
Well I better be going. Bye now.
Well I better be going. Bye now.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good Books
well I am reading a new series about vampires. I love the books. I read Twilight in a couple of hours and then I had to wait for New Moon to come in the mail because it was sold out in IF. It came today in the mail. I started reading it and could not put it down and finished it in a few hours also. I have Eclipse which I am going to start tomorrow. I can hardly wait. We went out to dinner tonight to Texas Roadhouse. It was so yummy. I had the smothered chicken without the gravy and their fresh steamed vegies. They do a great job with the vegies. I have leftovers that I get to eat for lunch tomorrow. Well tomorrow is Friday and I get to go to Pocatello to scrapbook with Amanda. Danielle and Clayton are going to go also. Bye for now.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Well I loved conference this weekend. The messages that are spoken always make me want to try harder to be a better person. I noticed that there were a lot of messages concerning the roles of mothers and the influence that they have on their children and the family. I am looking forward to receiving my copy of the ensign so that I can read the messages again. We had lots of good food to eat and enjoyed our visit with Danielle and Clayton. We played Wii and I ended up with the highest bowling score of 214. I am so glad that we bought the Wii for Clayton it is really fun to play with the family. We watched movies and enjoyed each others company. Susan and Blain showed up on Sunday afternoon and Amanda and Leif. We had quite a household of people but I love to have my family around. (Even though it was crazy at times)
I have been printing more pictures for my scrapbooking night at Amanda's. It is really quiet at home today. Everyone else is either at work or school. But I better enjoy it while I can. Paige Carter and Max will be here this afternoon for me to watch while Blain and Susan go to a funeral for his great aunt. Well better be going, bye now.
I have been printing more pictures for my scrapbooking night at Amanda's. It is really quiet at home today. Everyone else is either at work or school. But I better enjoy it while I can. Paige Carter and Max will be here this afternoon for me to watch while Blain and Susan go to a funeral for his great aunt. Well better be going, bye now.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Yea!! It's Friday
Thank goodness Friday is finally here. Did the grocery shopping and some laundry. Looking forward to conference in the morning. I started the new book that I bought yesterday Twilight and finished it today. I loved the book and cannot wait to get the next one- New Moon that I had to order thru the mail because it is out of stock in town. I really like the story about the good vampires. Looking forward to having Danielle and Clayton spend the weekend. Had a nice visit with Amanda and her friend Sara about our scrapbooking weekend. We are all looking forward to getting alot done. Bye for now
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I had a fun day today. I went with Denise and Heather to the Wild Flower Blossom scrapbook supply sale. I of course spent way too much money, but I am really excited because I found all of the paper ribbon and stickers to complete the scrapbook of Clayton and Danielle's engagement wedding and reception photos. I am going to an all night scrapbook at Amanda's on the 12th. I plan on trying to catch up with my sister trip book and the wedding book. I can hardly wait. I caught the stomach flu from someone and was real sick yesterday and ended in bed for half of the day. I am feeling much better today, thank goodness. Clayton and Danielle are coming to stay this weekend so that we can all watch conference together and also they do not want to miss conference since they do not have tv at their apartment. It should be a fun weekend. Well bye for now.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Paige Blessing
The girls and I traveled to Tremonton to celebrate Carters Bday and see Paige get blessed. It was lots of fun and lots of people. Paige looked like a little angel in her blessing outfit that Denise and Mom made for her. I even contributed by making the slip to wear under it. A little family project. Carter loved the gift we gave him of a John Deere tractor book. It has real wheels on it and he would not put it down. He is such a tractor lover right now. max was outside making jumps to go over with his bike. I would not be surprised to hear he has broken his arm again. We had great food and great cake. When we got home Danielle and Clayton came to visit us and we ended up watching old family movies. We had a great laugh at how funny we all looked 10 years ago and how much we had all changed. I am really looking forward to watching conference this weekend. It is a time that I actually sit down and watch tv for about 4 hours each day of conference without interruption. I can hardly wait. Bye for now.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Well we made it thru the weekend okay. We had Susan and family over the weekend and it was rather crazy around the house. Danielle and Clayton came down on Saturday and we all went out to dinner to Olive Garden. It was really yummy. I ate to much as usual from there but we had great leftovers. We played WII. It is lots of fun and I really like the game where you check your own fitness level. Paige is really growing. She is a really good baby. We are looking forward to seeing her this weekend when we go down to her blessing in Tremonton. We are also celebrating Carter's Bday. I need to come up with an idea for a gift for him. He is the big "2".
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Trip to Tremonton
Makayla and I went for a short one day visit with Susan and family. Paige is so cute and we got alot of hugs from Gabby max and Carter. They wanted us to stay overnight with them.
Paul is off hunting in Leodore by himself and having a great time. he has seen alot of elk but nothing close enough to shoot with his bow. he will be home on Thursday.
Susan and family will be here on Friday evening for a visit. Blain is coming to help his dad
cut hay. Well I have to be going. I need to fix dinner for the girls.
Paul is off hunting in Leodore by himself and having a great time. he has seen alot of elk but nothing close enough to shoot with his bow. he will be home on Thursday.
Susan and family will be here on Friday evening for a visit. Blain is coming to help his dad
cut hay. Well I have to be going. I need to fix dinner for the girls.
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