Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Holiday Happenings

We had a rather crazy Christmas Holiday. Susan and family and Clayton and Danielle all came and stayed at our house. It was lots of fun but wild. Especially with Gabby being sick and then Carter having his throwup session at 2am in the morning. Nothing like giving someone a bath at 2am in the morning. I still loved having everyone here. We went to childrens mass with Paul on Christmas Eve. It was so crowded and we ended sitting way in the back so it was hard to hear and tell what was going on. We gave everyone BYU sweats for their Christmas eve pjs. they are all warm and soft. I personally love mine. I think everyone else did also. I woke everyone up at 6am Christmas morning. I felt pretty good about letting them sleep so late because I wanted to wake them up earlier because I get so excited and cannot sleep because I am so impatient to give everyone their gifts. We had the traditional breakfast casserole and oranges for breakfast after opening gifts and went and visited mom and dad and then came home to play with all of our new toys. We had lots of good food on Christmas day. Mom and Dad Phillipp and pat came for dinner. Everyone seemed happy with the stuff that they received for Christmas. I love my new Zune. I have been downloading all of the cds that I have and have not even started to use any of the space. I also got two gift certificates to Barnes and Noble (totally the best gift for someone like me who absolutely cannot get enough to read). In fact I went and spent some time in Barnes and Noble to day and bought two cds - Best of Simon and Garfunkel and also Credence Gold/Credence Clearwater Revival. makayla wanted to know who both of the cds were. My age was showing and so was hers. they are awesome cds and I have already loaded them on to my Zune. I also bought three new books. I then came home and ordered two more books on line because I had some money left and also I had received an 10% discount coupon for an online order. I love getting new books. Well I have rambled on long enough. Looking forward to the New Year celebrations. Talk to all of you later. Bye now.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Busy Weekend
What a busy weekend I have had, but it was lots of fun. My company party was Friday night at Steve Thompsons home. Then Saturday morning my family was invited over to a Breakfast Christmas Party. We had to bring white elephant gifts. The food was delicious and we ended up with a bizarre tie for Paul, I received a gallon can of pickled jalapeno peppers, Makayla a Christmas CD and Harmoni some funny Christmas decorations. It was a fun way to start out the day. I then finished house cleaning just before Danielle and Clayton showed up. harmoni went to work and makayla ended having some friends over to play games with. I went shopping with Danielle and Clayton to buy just a few finishing gifts. Danielle and I then frosted cookies, dipped caramels, dipped pretzels, made chocolate cookies that were her family recipe and put them in the freezer for Christmas Eve. We finally finished all of the goodies and made some dinner. Clayton and I then went shopping again to replace some fish. It is really hard with so many too choose from at the pet store. Hopefully they will live this time. I am excited to hear from Clayton on how things went with the new fish. We finished out the evening watching the newest Harry Potter movie. Until about 10:30 when we turned it off because we were all getting so tired and Clayton needed to get his new fish home. He was probably up all night getting them set up. I am going to wrap all of my gifts on Sunday and Monday before someone sneaks into the downstairs bedroom and takes a peek. Well better get back to wrapping gifts. Bye now.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Yea it is Friday
I am so glad Friday is finally here. I went Christmas shopping with Amanda yesterday. I only have two more gifts to buy. I cannot wait to get done. I finished making all of my homemade gifts yesterday. I am going to bake some cookies and make some candy this weekend. I get to help with Kurt Killians wedding reception tomorrow. It is rather strange to have all of these young men married that ran around with Clayton. Time has gone by so fast. It just seems yesterday that they were all new scouts hanging out at our house with Paul. We are celebrating Paul's dads birthday on Sunday - he will be 80 years old. He is in really great shape for someone that age.
Well have to be going. Bye now.
Well have to be going. Bye now.
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