The weather today was so nice. It was sunshine with no wind. I sat on my front porch for at least and hour solid soaking up the rays. Unfortunately I burned myself just a little. I did not realize that I had been out there so long. I made a costume for Makayla who is singing with the choir and has some dancing parts in the Seusical Play that her school is putting on in a few weeks. Her outfit turned out great, if I say so myself. She is so excited for the play. We had an amazing Stake Conference this weekend. It was broadcast from Salt Lake City. Pres Uchtdorf, Elder Nelson, Elder Tingey and the new YW Pres spoke to us. They talked alot about reading the Bk of Mormon and stepping up to do the things that we have been asked to do. They talked alot about the line of authority in the church and also spoke to the youth alot. It was great but different than any other that I had attended. We are getting the plans finalized on our kitchen this Thursday and getting. ready to start the work. I can hardly wait. We will be using our trailer to cook in and to eat in while the kitchen is being remodeled. Well I better be going. Everyone have a great week. bye now.