Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kitchen Update

We had a very busy weekend. We knocked a hole in the dining room into the kitchen. We organized the new shelves downstairs and started loading stuff from the kitchen onto the new shelves. I do not think it is going to be alot of fun to have everything downstairs for the kitchen. I have already run downstairs about 100 times. I just need to remember that it will all be worth it in the end. We played pinochle this weekend with mom and dad. I got all 8 aces which is worth 1000 points. I had never heard of this rule until just before I was dealt this great hand. I really enjoy playing pinochle. We watched National Treasure on Monday. I enjoyed it as much as the first movie. Every day I am moving a few more things downstairs. Paul wants to be able to rip out the old cabinets this weekend and start on the new electrical. It will be such a mess. We have alot of rain here in good old Idaho Falls this week. We need it but is rather depressing to have it so dark and cold still. We need a little sunshine also to lift the spirits. Well I had better be going I need to get ready for exercise class. bye now.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

kitchen stuff.

Well it has been a rather busy week. We have been trying to rip up the kitchen floor and it will not come up. We went to Home depot and bought this can of stuff that was supposed to lift the stuff on the floor and all it did was make Paul more frustrated and angry. we decided that we would put down a new floor instead of trying to refinish the kitchen floor. It was not a hardwood floor anyway. We found some flooring that we both like and bought it from Home Depot and had Amanda pick it up and deliver it to our house. We thought it would be a good idea to give the sales to Leif for the bigger things. I started taking everything down off of the walls in the kitchen and loading up the things that I do not use very much. I set up some shelves in the basement and I am putting my small appliances and big dishes downstairs until the kitchen is completed. Amanda has been at the house the last few days with McKinley. She is so busy and talks a mile a minute. It has been lots of fun. We will be ripping the kitchen wall out this weekend since we are staying in town. I can hardly wait for the mess.....just kidding. It will be wonderful to get the kitchen all done. I am so excited. I am reading a new series which so far has been very good. The story starts in the preexistence and ends with the end of the world. I am just at the point where the characters have come to earth and satan is going after them because of what they did to him in the preexistence. I have the 1st three books and I think that I will end up with the whole series. It is written by Chris Stewart and called The Great and Terrible. A pretty good read that really gets you thinking about the life that you are living and the time that we live in. I will let you know as I read them. Well I had better be getting ready for bed. bye now.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I forgot to mention that last Sunday that my best friend from High School dropped by and we had a short sweet visit. It was so great to talk to Lynn and see her. I had not seen her for about 12 years. Thanks so much for getting hold of her Cheryl.
Paul Clayton Danielle Makayla and I all went to see the movie Narnia on Friday night. I loved the movie. It was so true to the actual story and I loved Prince Caspian. I thought the end was sad. I would recommend that movie to all to see.
Paul and I had a very busy week. We have started the demolition on our kitchen. We started by ripping up the old layers of linoleum from our dining room. There is a hard wood floor under which we will be refinishing. We scraped for about 15 hours. It was very hard and hurt the back and the knees and the hands. Paul then had to go up into the attic and get all of the insulation moved off of the old electrical work so that we will be able to work on putting in new electrical wiring. We are installing new lights and a few more outlets. While Paul was moving insulation I was sewing a new canopy for our swing in the backyard. Danielle and I picked out the material on Saturday. I was very happy with the way it turned out. I love to sit in the backyard but I cannot sit in the sun so I was happy to get it finished. We also had card club this weekend and make a real cute tag and a really pretty card. I enjoyed the projects because they were easy and looked great when finished.
We went to the Seusical that Makayla was in Monday and it was great. It was funny and very colorful. The kids did a great job of singing and acting. We really enjoyed ourselves. All of the kids had really bright colored costumes.
I had a very busy and productive week. I hope we can get as much done this week on the kitchen. Well I better be going. bye now.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekend Fun...

Except for the awful sign put up on the lawn where I work( my crazy sisters) what a great weekend I had. Lots of fun and lots of visitors. We went out to dinner on Friday for my birthday. We went to Johnny Carinos which I absolutely love. Italian food is my favorite. We then went home and watched two movies PS I Love You and Dan In Real Life. They were both pretty good movies. We all went to a wedding open house on Sautrday for Joel Fauver who was a good friend of Claytons and also lived across the street from us until last year. It was really nice to see all of his family and meet his new wife. I did some birthday shopping on Saturday and went to Barnes and Noble and picked up a few books. I bought the new book Host by Stephenie Meyers. It was really good. I finished it this morning while waiting for Makayla. I had a great Mothers Day. I subd for the 8 yr old primary teacher. It was great. All of the kids came for dinner and a visit. We had turkey which was delicious. We also watched a movie called Becoming Jane. I loved it even though the guys thought it was kind of boring. I would like to buy it to put in my libray of movies. We also watched Survivor because Paul loves the show. I did not like the winner. I know that I spent alot of time watching tv but I caught a nasty sore throat and did not feel very well or up to going out and doing anything. We are having such nasty weather this morning. It has been blowing really hard and snowing off and on all morning. I keep wondering if the snow is ever going to end. Well I had better be going. bye now.

Monday, May 5, 2008


What a surprise I got this weekend. The family got me good. An early surprise birthday party. There were lots of people and lots of food and a whole bunch of black balloons. I do not know why but everyone was dressed in black. I especially appreciated the poster of me and the pictures all over my house (which I am still discovering). You would thing they were in mourning or something. I think it is great to be fifty almost and to have such a great family and lots of good friends. It was lots of fun and I had a great time. Thanks to all who participated. bye now.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Snow Again!!!

We woke up to a snow storm again today. It is miserable with the wet snow and the wind blowing about 30 mph. It is so cold. I can hardly stand this disgusting weather. I am thankful for the moisture that we needed so desperately, but enough is enough. I walked into my office and got caught in a swirl of snow that totally soaked my face and hair. My face was dripping with water. What a great way to start the work day. Okay enough of the complaining. Then Clayton calls me to complain about the snow also that surprised him as he left to go to school. We meet again with the kitchen tune up lady today to look at her plans for our new kitchen. I am so excited now that we are making some of the final decisions. We are also getting ready to start on my dads sprinkler system for his yard this week. It will be great to get that done for Dad so he will not have to worry about his lawn as he travels around in the Summer. I was jsut laughing at the pictures on Susan's blog of the kids. I cannot believe how cute and big Paige is getting to be and I love all of Gabby's missing teeth. Check them out. Well I better be going so that I can get the things made for our ward family activity tomorrow night. We are going to the Idaho Falls Temple Visitors Center with the whole ward and I am making treats to hand out afterwards. It should be lots of fun. bye now.