Paul & Patty
Monday, July 19, 2010
Lovely Warm Weekend!!
We had such a warm sunny weekend..spent Saturday down at Amanda and Leif's fixing their sprinkler system and hanging out with all of the kids..Susan and kids came to Amandas also so there were alot of crazy kids there.. Paul and I went to the Red Lobster for lunch which was so yummy.. I had a dish called Crab Crusted absolutely melted in my mouth it was so delicious..I bought a new wallet at Ace Hardware that I absolutely love..I played with the kids outside most of the day and even picked up a table and chairs for Clayton and Danielle that they just happened to buy that day and needed to be picked up in Pocatello..talking about good timing..We had a great Sunday with all of the kids and watched Sherlock Holmes..loved the movie..I think Robert Downey Jr did an excellent job in this character part..well I had better get to work..everyone have a great week..bye now
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Long time no Comments
I had a great busy time over the 4th of July holiday. We had people in and out the whole weekend. We watched the fireworks from the roof of our house with Susan and family. The best part for the kids was actually climbing up on the roof..hopefully they will not try this at home..We had everyone over for a barbecue on Sunday because Bob and Kathi and Austin were in town.. it was lots of fun ..lots a great conversation and food. We watched "Remember Me" on Monday.. I really liked the movie but very very sad, not watch unless you are able to let go of that heavy unhappy feeling..can I tell you how badly I need to go on vacation..I thought that going to girls camp for a week would help this feeling that I have was kind of fun but so much drama and fighting among some of the girls..I am totally hooked on the show Lost right now..we never did watch it when it was on tv but we are now netflixing it and love it..I want to just keep watching show after show...lot of things happening but so good...well gotta be going lots of stuff to do..bye now
Friday, March 19, 2010
My lovely Nook...
I just wanted to mention that Paul gave me a Nook for Christmas.. This is the best gift ever. I am such an avid reader ..always reading at least three books at the same time..and now I do not have to carry tons of books with me I just need my Nook. I love love love it!! I just downloaded Alice in Wonderland screensavers which are really cool and also three books that I have been wanting to read. If any one else has a reader I can loan some of my books to them. Let me know. bye now..:)
I am still out there somewhere..
I did not mean to be so long away from the blog. I wanted to post a bunch of pictures but unfortunately I have not been able to locate my camera since Makayla was showing her dance pictures to everyone. Paul and I celebrated our 32nd anniversary yesterday. I can hardly believe we have been married that long it has gone by so fast. We started our date out by doing an early lunch/dinner at Johnny Carinos-love the Italian food. We then went to the movie "Avator"-which was truly an amazing movie to watch though 3 hrs long. We then ended the day by staying the night in the Congo room at the Destination Inn. It was a lovely way to spend our anniversary. Paul is such an awesome husband and friend.
Makayla went to her 1st formal dance last month and her dress was so cute but of course I cannot show everyone since the camera is missing. She has been dating a little now that she is 16. She also got a job working at my office as our runner. It is a great job for a young person. Just enough hours to supply playmoney and gas money. There has been lots of drama with all of the boys who like her..oh well.
I have been busy visiting with Susan and kids. She is now established in her home in Grace Idaho. It is big and roomy for her growing family. they have a great big yard which the kids love to play in. She has already had to find the emergency room but it was not for the kids this time because she stepped on a nail. I think it will be a great place for them to live and it is closer which makes it easier to go and visit.
We have been busy working on some new projects in the house. We took our sauna and converted it into a bathroom. Paul did a wonderful job and it is really nice to have another bathroom when the little punkies come for a visit. It was rather difficult with only one bathroom. We also redid all of the tile on the fireplace in the front room. It really lightens up the room and is more in the style of the rest of our home. I have been reorganizing all of the kid corner and got rid of alot of things. All of the nieces and nephews that have stopped by are not happy with me. How could I take down their favorite little corner in our home?... I think they will get over it because it is really nice to be not so cluttered.
I am planning on going to see the production of "Oliver" with my sisters, Danielle and Amanda in April and then a few days later I get to see one of my favorite singers of all time..Michael Bolton. I can hardly wait for the concert to come. I never in my lifetime would have expected him to come to Idaho Falls and appear at the Civic Auditorium.
Well enough for now. I am really going to try and keep up with the posts a little better.
Everyone have a great week...bye now...:)
Makayla went to her 1st formal dance last month and her dress was so cute but of course I cannot show everyone since the camera is missing. She has been dating a little now that she is 16. She also got a job working at my office as our runner. It is a great job for a young person. Just enough hours to supply playmoney and gas money. There has been lots of drama with all of the boys who like her..oh well.
I have been busy visiting with Susan and kids. She is now established in her home in Grace Idaho. It is big and roomy for her growing family. they have a great big yard which the kids love to play in. She has already had to find the emergency room but it was not for the kids this time because she stepped on a nail. I think it will be a great place for them to live and it is closer which makes it easier to go and visit.
We have been busy working on some new projects in the house. We took our sauna and converted it into a bathroom. Paul did a wonderful job and it is really nice to have another bathroom when the little punkies come for a visit. It was rather difficult with only one bathroom. We also redid all of the tile on the fireplace in the front room. It really lightens up the room and is more in the style of the rest of our home. I have been reorganizing all of the kid corner and got rid of alot of things. All of the nieces and nephews that have stopped by are not happy with me. How could I take down their favorite little corner in our home?... I think they will get over it because it is really nice to be not so cluttered.
I am planning on going to see the production of "Oliver" with my sisters, Danielle and Amanda in April and then a few days later I get to see one of my favorite singers of all time..Michael Bolton. I can hardly wait for the concert to come. I never in my lifetime would have expected him to come to Idaho Falls and appear at the Civic Auditorium.
Well enough for now. I am really going to try and keep up with the posts a little better.
Everyone have a great week...bye now...:)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Life is so busy sometimes...
I cannot believe that it has been so long since I blogged. I have been really busy with work family and church. Clayton and Danielle have been living with us and their lovely big puppy while trying to get into a house. I went on my annual sister trip to the "cabin" in Island Park. We have been busy trying to keep up with Makayla, driving with her and her many friends. Harmoni is busy going to college down at ISU in Pocatello and still working at Wingers. Clayton and their friends have been hanging out here and even Danielle's sister and her kids have been over alot. We love all of the company but is rather crazy at times. I have been spending some time with my friend from Russia, helping her with her English. She passed her drivers license test and has received her green card. I am so happy for her.
I also just received a new calling about two weeks ago as the Young Womens President. It is much better this time around. I am also singing in the choir in the ward also. I love to sing. I just completed a knitting class. I have been knitting flowers which I then shrink and plan on using on knitted purses and hats. I love learning how to knit different things, plus I love hanging out with the women who knit. It is so entertaining.
Back to house hunting for Danielle and Clayton....they found the house for them and close on November 6. yeah for them!!!!!I am sure that their big puppy Dante wants his own back yard and places to hang out. We will be doing alot of cleaning and ripping up carpets, putting in new floors. Window coverings. The house is great but quite neglected by previous owners. But it will make a lovely home for them. We will post pictures when we get it all ready.
We are also looking to buy a different pickup. I swear this seems to be harder that buying a house for Paul. I think the problem is that there are too many choices out there and also too many options to be included. We have been to every truck dealer in the area driving lots of trucks and doing alot of research on line to get everyones input on which is the best. Hopefully he will decide soon.
Oh by the way if you do not already know. Clayton's puppy is a great dane. He has literally gained about a pound a day since Clayton picked him up. With two dogs, big dogs running in the house, it has just added to the madness... He is really cute though.
Well I need to go..hopefully not too much info to absorb. bye now.
I also just received a new calling about two weeks ago as the Young Womens President. It is much better this time around. I am also singing in the choir in the ward also. I love to sing. I just completed a knitting class. I have been knitting flowers which I then shrink and plan on using on knitted purses and hats. I love learning how to knit different things, plus I love hanging out with the women who knit. It is so entertaining.
Back to house hunting for Danielle and Clayton....they found the house for them and close on November 6. yeah for them!!!!!I am sure that their big puppy Dante wants his own back yard and places to hang out. We will be doing alot of cleaning and ripping up carpets, putting in new floors. Window coverings. The house is great but quite neglected by previous owners. But it will make a lovely home for them. We will post pictures when we get it all ready.
We are also looking to buy a different pickup. I swear this seems to be harder that buying a house for Paul. I think the problem is that there are too many choices out there and also too many options to be included. We have been to every truck dealer in the area driving lots of trucks and doing alot of research on line to get everyones input on which is the best. Hopefully he will decide soon.
Oh by the way if you do not already know. Clayton's puppy is a great dane. He has literally gained about a pound a day since Clayton picked him up. With two dogs, big dogs running in the house, it has just added to the madness... He is really cute though.
Well I need to go..hopefully not too much info to absorb. bye now.
Friday, July 24, 2009
We had such a nice time last night. Clayton and Danielle are officially graduated from BYU Idaho. the speakers were short and sweet and the music was so lovely. The only complaint that I have is that it was so hot in the building. We went with Danielle's parents Steve and Sharon and her sister Rebecca that lives in Firth. Amanda went with us also. After the graduation we were all hungry and went to this Chinese restaurant in Rexburg only to find out that it had just closed. When they saw us drive up they opened the doors and had us come in and fixed us a delicious meal. It was lots of fun. We had such a great visit. We are having a celebration barbecue today with the Arnold family. It should be yummy, since Paul is making his famous burgers. McKinley and Sophie are coming to stay with us overnight tomorrow and Makayla will be home from girls camp tomorrow also. We really missed having her home. Well everyone have a great weekend. bye now.
Monday, July 20, 2009
We went and saw Harry Potter on Friday night. I loved the movie. I laughed cried and even jumped out of my seat in different parts of the movie. I want to go and see it again. Susan and kids came for a quick overnighter on Saturday.
We went to my brother's 50th birthday surprise party. I loaned him my 50 year princess crown to wear at his party. He looked so sweet. Susan and I sewed some crayon rolls for her and the kids and cut out extras to sew later. We played alot with the kids and had a very busy weekend.

I was finally able to get a photo of Gabby and Paige in their skirts that I made for them. obviously Paige would not cooperate so I could get a photo of her. I baked three kinds of cookies on Saturday morning for my ward choir. I told them I would bring them a treat on Sunday. I have realized that I was very busy this weekend, no wonder if felt so good to sit in my office this morning and have it be kind of quiet and calmer.
Here is picture of some of the earrings that I made from old buttons that I had in a jar on the shelf. I think that they are kind of fun. Danielle made a few pairs also that really turned out nice. I even made an orange pair for my friend to wear with the skirt that we made for her.
Paul has been working on getting his old Mustang completely torn down to just the body of the car. It looks pretty sad right now but will be amazing when it is all painted and upholstered.
He has given himself a deadline by the 4th of July 2010 to have it completed. Not bad since we have had the car for about 26 years. He is serious this time though. Just for your information Paul has finally grown the hair back on his head that he lost from his radiation treatments. He goes in for a PET scan tomorrow to make sure that the cancer is completely gone at this time and will probably have to do this about once a year. We are so blessed.
Graduation for Danielle and Clayton from BYU Idaho on Thursday night. Clayton just got a job with Wells Fargo in Idaho Falls starting August 17 and Danielle will be working at Crandall and Oseen and accounting firm starting July 27. I am so happy that they are staying in Idaho Falls for the time being.
We are keeping Danielle's sister Amy in our daily prayers that all will go well with her cancer treatments. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
I was finally able to get a photo of Gabby and Paige in their skirts that I made for them. obviously Paige would not cooperate so I could get a photo of her. I baked three kinds of cookies on Saturday morning for my ward choir. I told them I would bring them a treat on Sunday. I have realized that I was very busy this weekend, no wonder if felt so good to sit in my office this morning and have it be kind of quiet and calmer.
Paul has been working on getting his old Mustang completely torn down to just the body of the car. It looks pretty sad right now but will be amazing when it is all painted and upholstered.
Graduation for Danielle and Clayton from BYU Idaho on Thursday night. Clayton just got a job with Wells Fargo in Idaho Falls starting August 17 and Danielle will be working at Crandall and Oseen and accounting firm starting July 27. I am so happy that they are staying in Idaho Falls for the time being.
We are keeping Danielle's sister Amy in our daily prayers that all will go well with her cancer treatments. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
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