We went and saw Harry Potter on Friday night. I loved the movie. I laughed cried and even jumped out of my seat in different parts of the movie. I want to go and see it again. Susan and kids came for a quick overnighter on Saturday.

We went to my brother's 50th birthday surprise party. I loaned him my 50 year princess crown to wear at his party. He looked so sweet. Susan and I sewed some crayon rolls for her and the kids and cut out extras to sew later. We played alot with the kids and had a very busy weekend.

I was finally able to get a photo of Gabby and Paige in their skirts that I made for them. obviously Paige would not cooperate so I could get a photo of her. I baked three kinds of cookies on Saturday morning for my ward choir. I told them I would bring them a treat on Sunday. I have realized that I was very busy this weekend, no wonder if felt so good to sit in my office this morning and have it be kind of quiet and calmer.

Here is picture of some of the earrings that I made from old buttons that I had in a jar on the shelf. I think that they are kind of fun. Danielle made a few pairs also that really turned out nice. I even made an orange pair for my friend to wear with the skirt that we made for her.
Paul has been working on getting his old Mustang completely torn down to just the body of the car. It looks pretty sad right now but will be amazing when it is all painted and upholstered.

He has given himself a deadline by the 4th of July 2010 to have it completed. Not bad since we have had the car for about 26 years. He is serious this time though. Just for your information Paul has finally grown the hair back on his head that he lost from his radiation treatments. He goes in for a PET scan tomorrow to make sure that the cancer is completely gone at this time and will probably have to do this about once a year. We are so blessed.
Graduation for Danielle and Clayton from BYU Idaho on Thursday night. Clayton just got a job with Wells Fargo in Idaho Falls starting August 17 and Danielle will be working at Crandall and Oseen and accounting firm starting July 27. I am so happy that they are staying in Idaho Falls for the time being.
We are keeping Danielle's sister Amy in our daily prayers that all will go well with her cancer treatments. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Cute skirts and adorable earrings. You are so crafty. You will have to keep us posted on the mustang and BTW the kohlrabi was pretty good. you better come before they are all gone!!!
Those skirts are SO AWESOME! I'm going to have to make one for myself! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!
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