Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Okay I think we have had enough of the snow wind and cold. Danielle stayed overnight last night because of the bad roads. I am glad that we can offer her a place to stay in situations like this. It has been snowing again today and blowing to beat the band. It seems like everytime I have to step out of the house I feel like my face is being sand blasted by snow crystals. I am not looking forward to going out for class tonight. I am really hoping that the weather picks up so that we can travel to SLC on Saturday without putting ourselves in danger from really slick snowy conditions. Laurel called me last night and I got to ask questions about David. I felt alot better after talking to her. I am so glad that she was with him when he passed away. I am looking forward to seeing all of the family, unfortunately it is sad that it is a funeral that brings us all together. Laurel asked me to say the opening prayer for the funeral. Well I had better go and make some dinner. bye now.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Well what a week. I received my new calling this morning. I am going to be the new ward activity leader. I have really been enjoying my exercise class and looking forward to the next class. We played Killer Bunnies with Clayton and Danielle and that game is so busy. There are about 20 different things going on at the same time and Paul and I decided that in order to win the game you must be as ruthless as possible. There are not a lot of good things going on. Got some bad news today my Uncle David passed away this morning at the young age of 62. He had a horrible disease that took away his capability of taking care of himself. In fact the only thing he could do is talk and even that was going. It is a blessing but so sad at the same time because he was so young. We had been talking about him last night with my parents and discussing how we did not remember him being sick a day in his life and that he was such a great athlete. I am sure that we will going down to the funeral in Salt Lake City sometime this week. I have been talking to Susan and Paige is sick with RSV. They have already made 4 trips to the hospital. I feel so bad for her. Her life is quite a challenge with her kids constantly catching or having such serious things wrong with them. Well hopefully every thing will start going better this week for the family and we will all be able to travel safely to the funeral. bye now.
Thursday, January 24, 2008

We have been really busy this last week and weekend. We had Max and Carter for the weekend. It was lots of fun but so busy. They loved playing outside with Uncle Paul on the 4wheeler. They slept like rocks every night but woke up really early. the turkeys. Gabby sent me a card that she had made over her girls weekend. She is so creative and I love it. I was released from the Relief Society Presidency Sunday. I have been in that calling for about 3 1/2 years. I am already feeling lost without a calling. I went from Primary Presidency to Young Womens Presidency to RS Presidency. It feels very strange. The Bishop told me to not get too relaxed, so I am looking forward to the next adventure. I have been going to my strength class and I love it. the exercises are great and I am looking forward to seeing results. I even signed up for the next 6 weeks and talked Cheryl into taking the next class with me. I am also taking a Quickbooks class and it is really slow. I am sure that it is because alot of the people in my class are so computer illiterate. We are shown each key stroke and even that is very confusing for some people. I think another reason that it seems so slow is because it is a night class and lasts until 10pm and I happen to be a morning person and I am usually winding down at about 8pm because I usually wake up each morning at 4am. I will be happy to have the certificate saying I have completed the class I just need to hang in there. As you can see from the picture the boys really tired Uncle Paul out. Well have to be going. Bye now.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Great Night
We went to the open house for the Rexburg Temple. Wow what a beautiful building. Cheryl and her friend, Makayla and Harmoni, Danielle and Paul and I all went together. It has alot of steps but it was so wonderful and the tour speakers had the right spirit and said all of the right things. The roads were clear no snow and no wind. I started my Quickbooks class and really like it, but it is really slow. Some of the people in my class do not even know how to use a computer let alone learn a new program. Oh well it gets me out of the house and I really like to take classes and learn new things. The teacher is really excited and outgoing so she does a great job of teaching. I also started my new weight training class and really like it because the exercises can be done at home really easy also. Danielle is coming to our house every day for lunch and I am really happy to see her everyday and visit with her about work and Clayton. bye now.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Catching up.
Well I woke up early this morning as usual. I just have no idea what it is like to sleep. I get really restless in bed and just have to get up. I have been going over the notes for my talk tomorrow. I hope that I am ready. This has been such a crazy week. It is kind of nice how quiet the house is this morning. I am really excited because I signed up for a class at EITC yesterday to take Intro to Quickbooks. It is a 1 day a week (3hours) 5 week course. When I was talking to some of my friends that are accountants they all told me that is a must. I have always used quicken in my office. I also get to start my new exercise class on Monday. It is a strength training, nutrition class for women over 35. I can hardly wait. It lasts for about 6 weeks 3 times a week. I am hoping that it will start me on an exercise program that I like so that I can get back into exercising. I have been really bad lately and because of the not exercising, have put on weight which is so depressing. Well I better be going I want to finish doing my weekend cleaning before the weekend craziness starts. Danielle and Clayton are coming today for a visit. Yay!! bye now.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Catching up!!

Well we have gotten back into our regular schedule again. I love the holidays but it is nice to have the normal again. We went to Tremonton Friday night and stayed over with Susan and family. On Saturday we went to Gabby's baptism. It was wonderful and Gabby looked so sweet. She was so happy about having her dad baptize her and everyone coming to watch it happen. We had a great meal afterwards and then celebrated her birthday with a cake and ice cream since no one was able to go on her birthday. We were so lucky that the roads were clear all the way down and back. I was really stressed about driving on bad roads and I had promised Gabby that we would be there for her. I bought her a really pretty Cinderella dress and new shoes to wear for her baptism. She said she felt like Cinderella when she put it on. She looked really sweet. The Stake that she is in provides long white dresses for the girls to be baptized. It makes the girls look so innocent and sweet to be in their long white dresses. We had a great time as you can see in the pictures. I was very sick yesterday. Woke up at 4am and was sick until 8pm last night. It was a miserable way to lose a few pounds. I slept almost all day except when I was running to the bathroom. I am feeling much better today, just a little shaky and my stomache still is aching. I have been working on my talk that I have to give in Sacrament meeting this Sunday. I get so freaked out about speaking in public. I get to speak first and then the rest of the RS Presidency. Harmoni moved to Rexburg yesterday and will be starting school on Wednesday. She is a little nervous but excited at the same time. We just hope that she does well and has a great experience. School can be be great. Well I better get back to my talk. Later. bye now.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
!st Day of the New Year
We had alot of fun last night bowling. It was our 4th year to do bowling on New Years Eve. We then came back to the house and Brett & Gail and Danielle and Clayton played cards with Paul and I. Harmoni was out with some friends and Makayla went to a Stake Dance. she even had fun though she did not really want to go in the first place. We made it to midnight had some sparkling pomegranete juice and set off some poppers. We were all very tired at the end and ready to get to bed. I was really mad that I woke up this morning at 5am and could not get back to sleep after being awake until 2am. I just wish that once I could sleep in. Well since I was awake I made some homemade bread and some cheese potatoes for dinner later and for a family that we are feeding today. I did some laundry and cleaned. What a boring but busy morning. I had Makayla help me frost my hair. She does a pretty good job of pulling it through a cap evenly. I was very happy with the end result. Well enough of my rattling on. Happy New Year to all. Love you all. Bye now.
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