We have been really busy this last week and weekend. We had Max and Carter for the weekend. It was lots of fun but so busy. They loved playing outside with Uncle Paul on the 4wheeler. They slept like rocks every night but woke up really early. the turkeys. Gabby sent me a card that she had made over her girls weekend. She is so creative and I love it. I was released from the Relief Society Presidency Sunday. I have been in that calling for about 3 1/2 years. I am already feeling lost without a calling. I went from Primary Presidency to Young Womens Presidency to RS Presidency. It feels very strange. The Bishop told me to not get too relaxed, so I am looking forward to the next adventure. I have been going to my strength class and I love it. the exercises are great and I am looking forward to seeing results. I even signed up for the next 6 weeks and talked Cheryl into taking the next class with me. I am also taking a Quickbooks class and it is really slow. I am sure that it is because alot of the people in my class are so computer illiterate. We are shown each key stroke and even that is very confusing for some people. I think another reason that it seems so slow is because it is a night class and lasts until 10pm and I happen to be a morning person and I am usually winding down at about 8pm because I usually wake up each morning at 4am. I will be happy to have the certificate saying I have completed the class I just need to hang in there. As you can see from the picture the boys really tired Uncle Paul out. Well have to be going. Bye now.
Cute pictures! I love that first one of Paul and Carter all sleepy. Clay told me about the plans for tomorrow and that sounds great! See you tomorrow! Love you!
Thanks for the note! It is fun to see what all of you are doing. I have been really busy with the kids since Brad started work in Logan. I don't know if you read the note on my blog...we are moving there as soon as we sell our house. I am a bit sad to move, but Brad has a great new job. As for my sister joining the blog world...that would be interesting! I will work on her. Sounds like you have fun with Susan's kids. I am looking forward to living so close to her. Well, got to run...babies crying!
Love, Jenn
Love the pictures they are really cute. Paige is sicker than a dog again and it is getting really frustrating. Nayway thanks again for taking the boys.
Love you,
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