We had a very busy weekend. Clayton turned 23 years old on Friday. We went to dinner at the Olive Garden and then went Turtle shopping. Clayton bought himself a turtle and her name is Rosemary. She is really cool. Makayla and I went to Utah to the Richardson reunion early Saturday morning and had a great time visiting with all of the aunts uncles cousins and even my own family. They had great games and great food. My mom and dad had the most great grand kids totalling 26 with one on the way and Kabrie was the oldest of that number at the reunion. By the way she cut all of her hair off and it is so cute. I love going to reunions and touching base with family that you only get to see every two years. Especially all of the new babies. I tried to take a turn holding each of them. It was very sad when they started talking about those that had passed away since last time which included David and Alan. It makes you appreciate your family even more. I brought Max and Carter home with me for the week. It should be lots of fun and exhausting since they are always so busy.
Today was my last Sunday to substitute teach the 14-17 year old Sunday school class(3 weeks). I really enjoyed interacting with all of the kids that hang out with Makayla and find out what strong testimonies that they really do have. The subject was a little awkward (sexual purity). I only hope that I was able to make them think things through.
School starts next Monday for Makayla and she is pretty excited to be back with her friends on a daily basis. Hopefully she will be as excited about school.
Well I need to be going now. bye now.
It was so great to see you, Patty. You are so sweet. I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to hold my little guy- I only get to hold him on a good day, he's always so busy. Good luck with Carter and Max! I'm sure it is going to be an eventful week.
Wow! I bet you were exhausted after those two. They are adorable but a lot of work!
Good to see you at the reunion. I wish we could all get together more.
Hey Patty thenks for the week off it was great. And by the way I do not know what Jenn is talking about my boys being a lot of work, WHATEVER"!!!! I hope that you have a great week and don't forget you will have all my kids on the 13th when Blain comes down. and we will see you next weekend for Paige's b-day and all. Love you Susan (the angel)
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