We went and had family pictures taken just before Christmas and it was about time. The last time we had them taken was about ten years ago.

We also lost Paul's mom just after Thanksgiving. A blessing because she was so sick but we miss her very much. It seems very strange to go to their home and not have Bernice be there.
We also received some news that Paul has been diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma cancer. We are pretty freaked out right now but we go to see the Oncologist Monday afternoon to find out more about exactly where we go from here and how far it is advanced and more specifics on what he has. We have been praying for comfort and good news. We are very thankful for all of the calls from family and friends and all of your prayers on Paul's behalf. There is so much power in prayer. We will let all of you know what is going on as soon as we find out. Take care, Happy New Year to all. bye now.
First of all- LOVE the picture- and Mikayla and danielle look like sisters! Second, I'm so sorry about paul. I will pray for your whole family. Danielle told me and I felt awful, I am so sorry you have to go through this right now. I pray that everythign will go well.
Patty- We held a family fast for Paul yesterday and are also praying for comfort and good news for your family. We love you very much and hope all is well.
The family picture is gorgeous! I really like your hair a little longer like it is now.
Good luck today. There are about a thousand of us pulling for you guys.
Hey thanks for the help again. I was so glad to hear that we have a little good news with paul. We will keep praying for him and I am sure we will talk soon. I love you.
Hey thanks for the help again. I was so glad to hear that we have a little good news with paul. We will keep praying for him and I am sure we will talk soon. I love you.
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