The last few weeks have been very busy. Paul and I celebrated our 31st Wedding Anniversary on March 18. Paul had a dozen roses delivered to my place of employment. They were beautiful and they smelled wonderful. It has gone by so fast. I love being married.
Susan and family came for a short stay because Blain's uncle passed away from cancer. I bought Paige a little dress which looked so cute on her.
Paul said yesterday that he is finally feeling not so tired. He still is missing part of the hair on his head. We are not sure whether it will grow back or not.
Makayla is on Spring Break and had her wisdom teeth pulled on Monday. They were impacted so they knocked her out. She is really puffy and looks pretty funny. I have not been able to stop from laughing at her funny face.
We purchased an elliptical machine and it was delivered yesterday. Clayton came from Rexburg and helped me put it together. I can tell that it is going to be a hard workout. I was only able to stay on it for about 15 minutes and that was on tension level 1. My arms and my behind are kind of sore today from the workout. I gave my old treadmill to a friend of mine. I am really looking forward to more workouts on the elliptical.
I went to a wedding reception for my friend Juliet. She looked so happy. She seems to have found the right guy and he comes with a daughter. Juliet loves his little girl and will make a wonderful mother. They looked so in love with each other. I am very happy for her.
I really wanted to add some photos to this blog but I cannot get them to work.
Everyone have a great weekend. love you all. bye now.