This is Paul's latest hairdoo since the radiation. A small price to pay to get rid of the cancer. We love it.
This is the new elliptical. It is a much harder workout than my treadmill. But I wanted something that would be a challenge and it meets the criteria.
This is Makayla 2 days after her wisdom teeth removal. She has pretty puffy cheeks. We kept laughing at her but she is still really cute.
those roses are so pretty
Makayla's face cracks me up. I'm so glad you took pictures.
Makayla!!! I hardly recognized you girl!!! But your Mom is right, you still look cute!!
Patty, I can't believe you guys have been married 31 years!!! You look so young. And that first picture of Paul, with his bald spot, looks like Clayton to me. Their expressions look similar. = )
Take care!
I'm so glad that Paul is done with his treatments. Love the flowers- what a fun arrangement!
Oh, Makayla....this picture will someday haunt you :)
It was good talking to you today. I am sorry for the rough year you have had. We seriously need to get together for games when you're up to it. Pretty flowers have Paul teach Jerimiah would ya!!!
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