Friday, March 19, 2010

My lovely Nook...

I just wanted to mention that Paul gave me a Nook for Christmas.. This is the best gift ever. I am such an avid reader ..always reading at least three books at the same time..and now I do not have to carry tons of books with me I just need my Nook. I love love love it!! I just downloaded Alice in Wonderland screensavers which are really cool and also three books that I have been wanting to read. If any one else has a reader I can loan some of my books to them. Let me know. bye now..:)


Lizzie said...

It's so good to hear how you are doing! Happy Anniversary and I can't imagine a better gift for you than a Nook!

I remember that little kid corner you have in your house. It was amazing!!! I bet it feels nice to reorganize it.

I had to laugh when you mentioned McKayla and all of the boy drama. = ) Tell her and Paul hi for me.

Danielle said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm excited to go to Oliver. Are all your sisters going? That should be fun. Love you!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

I've never heard of a Nook before. I got Rebecca a Kindle and she loves it.
The website that has the great recipes is

Looking forward to your visit this summer. I wish you could talk your son into coming!!! There's got to be someone qualified to take care of his dog!!

Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Patty, Amy had those same asian comments, I don't know if you read it, but those are links to porn. Every period is a link to porn. You can tell by putting your cursor over the periods, but not clicking on it. At the bottom of the page in the left hand corner you can see what the sight is w/o clicking on it.