Friday, January 16, 2009


We went to Paul's doctor and he gave us the results of the PET scan. It came back negative which is exactly what we wanted. (which means everything was clear from that test and the blood test that he took also). Now Paul goes in on Jan 22 for a bone marrow biopsy to see if it has gone into the bone. If that is clear he will only need radiation on the spot found in his head and it is curable if not clear then he will be going through chemotherapy to keep the cancer in remission for the rest of his life. We are praying for it to be clear. We will be fasting as a family on Sunday for some great results for next week. We will keep you updated.
On a lighter note Paul and I went to a cooking class on Monday to learn how to make easy pizza. It was delicious and lots of fun. We also learned how to make baked donuts, which are also so yummy. If you come to our house for a visit we can make you some. Everyone have a great weekend. bye now.


Amylee said...

We'll join you in the fast on Sunday. I'm so glad it's been good news so far- let's keep it coming, right?
Pizza and donuts, what else do you need in life?


That is wonderful news, and i hope his appointment goes well. We have been praying and will continue. I wish I could have your donuts and pizza, that sounds so good.