Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Life is Happening..

We have been so busy this Summer. I am not sure with what but busy. Paul took Max and Carter for their annual camping trip and while the boys were up camping Susan and the girls came and stayed with Makayla and I. We did not do alot. We went up and met Paul for dinner one night. We did sew some really cute skirts for Gabby, Paige and Susan. Made breakfast for Cheryl one morning early and did a lot of visiting and playing.
I have been sewing a lot the last month. I made some skirts, some market bags, curtains a table runner, some more napkins and some pillows for the new deck furniture ( by the way we have been loving the newly remodeled deck) . I helped my neighbor make a few skirts for herself and I also made a skirt for me. I love the pattern. It is easy and can be made out of all different kinds of material and designs. I have discovered a lovely store in Rigby call the Quilt Shop and they have the most wonderful material. It is pretty costly so I will need to stay away from the store.
We had a really fun 4th weekend. Danielle's sister Lizzie is here from Palm Springs and we had a barbecue and had Lizzie and her kids and Danielle's other sister Rebecca from Firth and her kids all over for the barbecue. We had a wonderful visit and the burgers were delicious as usual.
We went to Rebecca's on the 4th to Firth and cooked hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire. Then watched the kids do their fireworks. It was lots of fun. I swear all we did was eat eat eat. I feel like I gained 50 lbs from all the good food. But Paul and I have been walking each night so hopefully that will help.
I have been super busy at work. We have added two new attorneys just in the last few months and lots and lots of new clients. I am also training Clayton to do my job for his internship for school. By the way Danielle and Clayton graduate from BYU Idaho this month. Clayton in Business Financial and Danielle in Accounting. Danielle will be starting her new job at Crandall and Oseen in Idaho Falls the Monday after Graduation and Clayton is interviewing with Wells Fargo and Northwestern Financial this week. Hopefully he will get a job soon as well. I am so glad that they are going to be in Idaho Falls longer.
Well I had better be going. I am tired and want to get to bed early tonight. Everyone have a great week. bye now.


Danielle said...

It HAS been busy this summer...but I am loving it! It's made the semester go by so fast! Which means graduating! Did you make curtains in the last few days? I don't remember seeing them. I will have to see this week! I love you!

The Hammond Family Blog said...

yes you have been busy. Hey is the family reunion over? You need to post some pics of the sewing you have done. I'd love to see them.