I cannot believe that it has been so long since I blogged. I have been really busy with work family and church. Clayton and Danielle have been living with us and their lovely big puppy while trying to get into a house. I went on my annual sister trip to the "cabin" in Island Park. We have been busy trying to keep up with Makayla, driving with her and her many friends. Harmoni is busy going to college down at ISU in Pocatello and still working at Wingers. Clayton and their friends have been hanging out here and even Danielle's sister and her kids have been over alot. We love all of the company but is rather crazy at times. I have been spending some time with my friend from Russia, helping her with her English. She passed her drivers license test and has received her green card. I am so happy for her.
I also just received a new calling about two weeks ago as the Young Womens President. It is much better this time around. I am also singing in the choir in the ward also. I love to sing. I just completed a knitting class. I have been knitting flowers which I then shrink and plan on using on knitted purses and hats. I love learning how to knit different things, plus I love hanging out with the women who knit. It is so entertaining.
Back to house hunting for Danielle and Clayton....they found the house for them and close on November 6. yeah for them!!!!!I am sure that their big puppy Dante wants his own back yard and places to hang out. We will be doing alot of cleaning and ripping up carpets, putting in new floors. Window coverings. The house is great but quite neglected by previous owners. But it will make a lovely home for them. We will post pictures when we get it all ready.
We are also looking to buy a different pickup. I swear this seems to be harder that buying a house for Paul. I think the problem is that there are too many choices out there and also too many options to be included. We have been to every truck dealer in the area driving lots of trucks and doing alot of research on line to get everyones input on which is the best. Hopefully he will decide soon.
Oh by the way if you do not already know. Clayton's puppy is a great dane. He has literally gained about a pound a day since Clayton picked him up. With two dogs, big dogs running in the house, it has just added to the madness... He is really cute though.
Well I need to go..hopefully not too much info to absorb. bye now.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
We had such a nice time last night. Clayton and Danielle are officially graduated from BYU Idaho. the speakers were short and sweet and the music was so lovely. The only complaint that I have is that it was so hot in the building. We went with Danielle's parents Steve and Sharon and her sister Rebecca that lives in Firth. Amanda went with us also. After the graduation we were all hungry and went to this Chinese restaurant in Rexburg only to find out that it had just closed. When they saw us drive up they opened the doors and had us come in and fixed us a delicious meal. It was lots of fun. We had such a great visit. We are having a celebration barbecue today with the Arnold family. It should be yummy, since Paul is making his famous burgers. McKinley and Sophie are coming to stay with us overnight tomorrow and Makayla will be home from girls camp tomorrow also. We really missed having her home. Well everyone have a great weekend. bye now.
Monday, July 20, 2009
We went and saw Harry Potter on Friday night. I loved the movie. I laughed cried and even jumped out of my seat in different parts of the movie. I want to go and see it again. Susan and kids came for a quick overnighter on Saturday.
We went to my brother's 50th birthday surprise party. I loaned him my 50 year princess crown to wear at his party. He looked so sweet. Susan and I sewed some crayon rolls for her and the kids and cut out extras to sew later. We played alot with the kids and had a very busy weekend.

I was finally able to get a photo of Gabby and Paige in their skirts that I made for them. obviously Paige would not cooperate so I could get a photo of her. I baked three kinds of cookies on Saturday morning for my ward choir. I told them I would bring them a treat on Sunday. I have realized that I was very busy this weekend, no wonder if felt so good to sit in my office this morning and have it be kind of quiet and calmer.
Here is picture of some of the earrings that I made from old buttons that I had in a jar on the shelf. I think that they are kind of fun. Danielle made a few pairs also that really turned out nice. I even made an orange pair for my friend to wear with the skirt that we made for her.
Paul has been working on getting his old Mustang completely torn down to just the body of the car. It looks pretty sad right now but will be amazing when it is all painted and upholstered.
He has given himself a deadline by the 4th of July 2010 to have it completed. Not bad since we have had the car for about 26 years. He is serious this time though. Just for your information Paul has finally grown the hair back on his head that he lost from his radiation treatments. He goes in for a PET scan tomorrow to make sure that the cancer is completely gone at this time and will probably have to do this about once a year. We are so blessed.
Graduation for Danielle and Clayton from BYU Idaho on Thursday night. Clayton just got a job with Wells Fargo in Idaho Falls starting August 17 and Danielle will be working at Crandall and Oseen and accounting firm starting July 27. I am so happy that they are staying in Idaho Falls for the time being.
We are keeping Danielle's sister Amy in our daily prayers that all will go well with her cancer treatments. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
I was finally able to get a photo of Gabby and Paige in their skirts that I made for them. obviously Paige would not cooperate so I could get a photo of her. I baked three kinds of cookies on Saturday morning for my ward choir. I told them I would bring them a treat on Sunday. I have realized that I was very busy this weekend, no wonder if felt so good to sit in my office this morning and have it be kind of quiet and calmer.
Paul has been working on getting his old Mustang completely torn down to just the body of the car. It looks pretty sad right now but will be amazing when it is all painted and upholstered.
Graduation for Danielle and Clayton from BYU Idaho on Thursday night. Clayton just got a job with Wells Fargo in Idaho Falls starting August 17 and Danielle will be working at Crandall and Oseen and accounting firm starting July 27. I am so happy that they are staying in Idaho Falls for the time being.
We are keeping Danielle's sister Amy in our daily prayers that all will go well with her cancer treatments. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Soft Lovely Hands...
We had a hand fix party last night at my house for lack of a better name to call it. My neighbor Pauline Mickelsen who is 89 yrs old and her three daughters, Danielle, Makayla and my other neighbor Dawn came over to my house so that the Mickelsens could show us how they keep their hands so nice soft and lovely. I bought really bright wash clothes on clearance and had one for each of us. We rubbed this scrub on our hands for a about 2-3 minutes and then rinsed and then rubbed lotion into our hands. The stuff was amazing. I have never had my hands feel so soft. We used a product that can be bought at Rite Aid called yes-to-carrots. (web site: www.yes-to-carrots.com) All natural ingredients. We used the hand scrub and the body moisterizer. Amazing stuff. They have been using it for years and have loved how soft their hands are. I went to the store today and bought some. I plan on using it weekly if not more often. We had such a fun visit and I found out that I actually graduated with Pauline's daughter Julene. We could not remember each other which is kind of strange since we ran around with the same kids. I guess it was too long ago. We decided to make our get together an annual event if not more we had so much fun. Well I had better get going I have a few things to get done tonight before I can sit down to rest. Bye now.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Some of My Sewing Projects...
Here are a few things that I have been sewing lately. There are some market bags. I also made some crayon rolls.. I put crayons in one and then markers in the other. These have been lots of fun to make. So sorry Sesha I do not have a picture of the little skirts that I made for the little girls, but I do have the pattern if you would like to borrow it. Susan tells me that she will send me a photo when the kids wear them. I forgot to take photos.

I love these crayon rolls. I added my own little eyelets to them to give them some personalization. I got the pattern off of skiptomylou.org. There are some really great patterns on that site. Well back to sewing. bye now.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Life is Happening..
We have been so busy this Summer. I am not sure with what but busy. Paul took Max and Carter for their annual camping trip and while the boys were up camping Susan and the girls came and stayed with Makayla and I. We did not do alot. We went up and met Paul for dinner one night. We did sew some really cute skirts for Gabby, Paige and Susan. Made breakfast for Cheryl one morning early and did a lot of visiting and playing.
I have been sewing a lot the last month. I made some skirts, some market bags, curtains a table runner, some more napkins and some pillows for the new deck furniture ( by the way we have been loving the newly remodeled deck) . I helped my neighbor make a few skirts for herself and I also made a skirt for me. I love the pattern. It is easy and can be made out of all different kinds of material and designs. I have discovered a lovely store in Rigby call the Quilt Shop and they have the most wonderful material. It is pretty costly so I will need to stay away from the store.
We had a really fun 4th weekend. Danielle's sister Lizzie is here from Palm Springs and we had a barbecue and had Lizzie and her kids and Danielle's other sister Rebecca from Firth and her kids all over for the barbecue. We had a wonderful visit and the burgers were delicious as usual.
We went to Rebecca's on the 4th to Firth and cooked hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire. Then watched the kids do their fireworks. It was lots of fun. I swear all we did was eat eat eat. I feel like I gained 50 lbs from all the good food. But Paul and I have been walking each night so hopefully that will help.
I have been super busy at work. We have added two new attorneys just in the last few months and lots and lots of new clients. I am also training Clayton to do my job for his internship for school. By the way Danielle and Clayton graduate from BYU Idaho this month. Clayton in Business Financial and Danielle in Accounting. Danielle will be starting her new job at Crandall and Oseen in Idaho Falls the Monday after Graduation and Clayton is interviewing with Wells Fargo and Northwestern Financial this week. Hopefully he will get a job soon as well. I am so glad that they are going to be in Idaho Falls longer.
Well I had better be going. I am tired and want to get to bed early tonight. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
I have been sewing a lot the last month. I made some skirts, some market bags, curtains a table runner, some more napkins and some pillows for the new deck furniture ( by the way we have been loving the newly remodeled deck) . I helped my neighbor make a few skirts for herself and I also made a skirt for me. I love the pattern. It is easy and can be made out of all different kinds of material and designs. I have discovered a lovely store in Rigby call the Quilt Shop and they have the most wonderful material. It is pretty costly so I will need to stay away from the store.
We had a really fun 4th weekend. Danielle's sister Lizzie is here from Palm Springs and we had a barbecue and had Lizzie and her kids and Danielle's other sister Rebecca from Firth and her kids all over for the barbecue. We had a wonderful visit and the burgers were delicious as usual.
We went to Rebecca's on the 4th to Firth and cooked hot dogs and marshmallows over a fire. Then watched the kids do their fireworks. It was lots of fun. I swear all we did was eat eat eat. I feel like I gained 50 lbs from all the good food. But Paul and I have been walking each night so hopefully that will help.
I have been super busy at work. We have added two new attorneys just in the last few months and lots and lots of new clients. I am also training Clayton to do my job for his internship for school. By the way Danielle and Clayton graduate from BYU Idaho this month. Clayton in Business Financial and Danielle in Accounting. Danielle will be starting her new job at Crandall and Oseen in Idaho Falls the Monday after Graduation and Clayton is interviewing with Wells Fargo and Northwestern Financial this week. Hopefully he will get a job soon as well. I am so glad that they are going to be in Idaho Falls longer.
Well I had better be going. I am tired and want to get to bed early tonight. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Excitement in our Home!!!
We ended in the emergency room last night with Makayla. She had a severe allergic reaction to something. Her lips were totally swollen and she had huge hives from one end of her body to the other. Her skin was terribly itchy. We have no idea what caused it. The only thing that she did different than usual was sit on the grass at a baseball game of one of her friends. When we went to pick her up it had just started. It was a little scary but she is doing just fine now. She is on meds for about 5 days and then will always have to carry an epi pen in case of another reaction. My friend Laura also suggested that we keep liquid benadryl around at all times. Kids Kids Kids.
It has been raining like crazy here in our area. It reminds of the rain in Oregon. I have been making Graduation cards and wedding cards today. I forgot how much fun this can be it has been so long since I pulled my stamps out and actually used them.
I have been driving everywhere with Makayla. She is really doing a good job of driving. I am kind of surprised.
Everyone have a great week. bye now.
It has been raining like crazy here in our area. It reminds of the rain in Oregon. I have been making Graduation cards and wedding cards today. I forgot how much fun this can be it has been so long since I pulled my stamps out and actually used them.
I have been driving everywhere with Makayla. She is really doing a good job of driving. I am kind of surprised.
Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Fun Things Happening...
The before and after pictures.
We have completed the deck and had a little family friend get together Sunday to break it in after church. We were able to hang the family hammock that Clayton had mailed to us from Brazil when he was on his mission. It is so pretty and comfortable. We have been eating out there every chance we get. What could be better than to have added a huge room to your living space and have it outdoors. Love it Love it love it.
We had a great time in Utah with Susan and family. Gabby ended going to the wedding with us and she had a great time. She talked our ears off, but we really enjoyed her company. Park City is really beautiful. The church was right next to the ski hill and so lovely. I also wanted to let you see a picture of the lovely wedding cake that was made for them. The flowers are made from frosting and they look so real.
Here is a picture of the Mulan costume that we made for Makayla. I know it is a little late but she looked so cute in the costume.
She spent the weekend in Swan Valley with her friend Alex. She has a gorgeous home right on the river.
Today was the last day of school for Makayla and she is feeling pretty weird about it already. I hope that she will not be too bored. We have been driving with her now that she has her permit. We have to drive with her for six months. She is pretty good and will get better with time.
Today is Clayton and Danielle's 3rd wedding anniversary. Time has gone by so fast. It just seems like yesterday that we were all traveling to Oregon for the wedding and then quickly back to Idaho Falls for the second reception. They will be graduating from BYU Idaho in July. Danielle in Accounting and Clayton in Financial. They have worked really hard and have done a great job of getting thru school quickly. We are very happy for them.
Well everyone have a great week and enjoy the warm weather. I just love Spring and Summer.
bye now.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Lovely Windy Day in Idaho!!
It is really windy again today. Yesterday it was about 85 Degrees and calm and then we get slammed.
Makayla went to her Freshman Prom this last week. All of her friends went as a large group with the boys in one and the girls in another. This is one of her good friends named Max. She ended up wearing a dress that Danielle's mother made for one of the dances she went too. It was so cute on Makayla.
We are working on redoing the back deck that is connected to our house. Paul has been tearing it apart and it is looking very ugly right now. We will be putting up new railing, painting and staining and I can hardly wait. (We are also de-junking because we have this giant garage shop and the junk belongs in the garage not on the deck) We picked up a new table and chairs. I have taken two of our old iron and wooden benches and painted the slats bright bumblebee yellow. I love how bright they are.
I will post pictures as the deck progresses.
I came home today and made a bright Spring like table runner. It is okay, not quite what I had in mind but it is cheerful.
Makayla is currently in a musical at school. It is the Disney Mulan. I had to sew her costume at the last minute since that is about all the time that she gave me. I went to see her in the musical last night and they did a great job. It made me want to go home and watch the movie.
Paul and I are headed off to Utah to visit Susan this weekend and to go to Paul's, Uncle Paul's wedding. His wife died about 2 years ago and he has found himself a wonderful new lady friend. It will be a quick trip. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the little punkers. They are so fun to visit with on the phone. We are planning on fixing a few bike tires while we are there.
Well I had better get going I need to get packing. bye now.
Makayla went to her Freshman Prom this last week. All of her friends went as a large group with the boys in one and the girls in another. This is one of her good friends named Max. She ended up wearing a dress that Danielle's mother made for one of the dances she went too. It was so cute on Makayla.
I will post pictures as the deck progresses.
I came home today and made a bright Spring like table runner. It is okay, not quite what I had in mind but it is cheerful.
Makayla is currently in a musical at school. It is the Disney Mulan. I had to sew her costume at the last minute since that is about all the time that she gave me. I went to see her in the musical last night and they did a great job. It made me want to go home and watch the movie.
Paul and I are headed off to Utah to visit Susan this weekend and to go to Paul's, Uncle Paul's wedding. His wife died about 2 years ago and he has found himself a wonderful new lady friend. It will be a quick trip. I am really looking forward to seeing all of the little punkers. They are so fun to visit with on the phone. We are planning on fixing a few bike tires while we are there.
Well I had better get going I need to get packing. bye now.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Well I did not die from a heart attack Sunday. I was so scared for a few minutes when they announced my name at Stake Conference as being second to speak. When I got up to speak I felt so calm and I gave most of the talk without even looking at notes other to read a quote or two. Makayla did a great job of singing. It was an especially good conference. A few members of the new ward that we are moving into came up to introduce themselves. We have had the our new Bishop, the Young Womens President and the Relief Society President already come and visit us. I am thankful that they have done so because it will make it not so scary for Makayla and I to make this huge change. Danielle came to conference to hear makayla and I and just kept her in my vision to help me to stay calm. She is just the best. Clayton was unable to come because he did not feel well.
I got to go and get my hair trimmed today. I took 2" off of the back it has grown so much. I am still not sure that I am happy with longer hair but Makayla says that I cannot cut it off. Haircuts feel so good and make me so happy.
I better be going I need to get dinner ready. I think we will have some leftovers from Sunday dinner. The family did say that it was yummy. so we might as well try it again.
Everyone have a great week. bye now.
I got to go and get my hair trimmed today. I took 2" off of the back it has grown so much. I am still not sure that I am happy with longer hair but Makayla says that I cannot cut it off. Haircuts feel so good and make me so happy.
I better be going I need to get dinner ready. I think we will have some leftovers from Sunday dinner. The family did say that it was yummy. so we might as well try it again.
Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sad.....So Sad......
Makayla and I went to the Stake meeting. We were informed that we are no longer in the 11th Ward. I tried not to cry, but Makayla started crying instantly. Then people start saying how sad and I lose it. This is a major change in our life. This ward is the only ward that I have attended since reactivating and it is also the only ward that my kids have attended. They know us and know our history and we love all of the members so much. I know that it will be okay but I am so sad right now. It is very difficult to get my head around because it is like we have moved and have to attend a different ward but in fact we are still in the same home and still looking at the neighbors homes that we will no longer be attending church with.
Makayla is the only youth that is being moved so she is so upset. She hates change so intensely. It stems back to the separation syndrome that she has from back when she was a baby and was separated from her mother. She rarely changes things or the way that she does thing.
Even though this ward is in our stake, we do not know anyone from that ward even by name only. I will try to be strong for Makayla and I keep telling her that we will be okay.
Okay I hope I did not bore you with my sadness but I just needed to vent. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Makayla is the only youth that is being moved so she is so upset. She hates change so intensely. It stems back to the separation syndrome that she has from back when she was a baby and was separated from her mother. She rarely changes things or the way that she does thing.
Even though this ward is in our stake, we do not know anyone from that ward even by name only. I will try to be strong for Makayla and I keep telling her that we will be okay.
Okay I hope I did not bore you with my sadness but I just needed to vent. Everyone have a great week. bye now.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Snowy Sunday...
We had a lovely sunny day yesterday and then woke up to a lovely snow this morning. I am trying to appreciate the fact that the moisture is much needed for the Hot Summer Months.
We had such great church meetings today. We meaning the people in my ward have a Stake meeting tonight to let us know what the new ward boundaries are going to be. Our Bishop was very sad as he made the announcement. Most of the people in my ward have been there their whole lifetime. I am just a little anxious for the meeting. I am working on my talk for Stake conference that I was asked to give this next Sunday. I am so nervous. It is scary enough when I have to talk in the ward let alone at Stake Conference. Oh well it will be over soon.
Clayton is starting an internship at my office on Tuesday this week. I am very happy that it has worked out this way. I am going to teach him all of the financial of running the office. He and Danielle will be graduating in July and Clayton needs to get his internship done by then.
Makayla is going to sing the youth choir at Stake conference also. Then the choir that I sing in with my ward is singing at the Saturday Night Session. Lots of stuff going on this week.
I am going back to the specialists this week to see if we can get the problem with my throat resolved. I am so tired of the sore throat, blisters in the throat and problems breathing that I could scream but that would just make my throat hurt worse and then I would start coughing again.
Well everyone have a great week. love you all. bye now.
We had such great church meetings today. We meaning the people in my ward have a Stake meeting tonight to let us know what the new ward boundaries are going to be. Our Bishop was very sad as he made the announcement. Most of the people in my ward have been there their whole lifetime. I am just a little anxious for the meeting. I am working on my talk for Stake conference that I was asked to give this next Sunday. I am so nervous. It is scary enough when I have to talk in the ward let alone at Stake Conference. Oh well it will be over soon.
Clayton is starting an internship at my office on Tuesday this week. I am very happy that it has worked out this way. I am going to teach him all of the financial of running the office. He and Danielle will be graduating in July and Clayton needs to get his internship done by then.
Makayla is going to sing the youth choir at Stake conference also. Then the choir that I sing in with my ward is singing at the Saturday Night Session. Lots of stuff going on this week.
I am going back to the specialists this week to see if we can get the problem with my throat resolved. I am so tired of the sore throat, blisters in the throat and problems breathing that I could scream but that would just make my throat hurt worse and then I would start coughing again.
Well everyone have a great week. love you all. bye now.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
These are the pictures that go with my previous blog. I finally figured out how to get it to work. I have not added pictures to my blog since I got this new computer. I am still trying to figure out how everything works.

This is Paul's latest hairdoo since the radiation. A small price to pay to get rid of the cancer. We love it.

This is the new elliptical. It is a much harder workout than my treadmill. But I wanted something that would be a challenge and it meets the criteria.

This is Makayla 2 days after her wisdom teeth removal. She has pretty puffy cheeks. We kept laughing at her but she is still really cute.
This is Paul's latest hairdoo since the radiation. A small price to pay to get rid of the cancer. We love it.
This is the new elliptical. It is a much harder workout than my treadmill. But I wanted something that would be a challenge and it meets the criteria.
This is Makayla 2 days after her wisdom teeth removal. She has pretty puffy cheeks. We kept laughing at her but she is still really cute.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The last few weeks have been very busy. Paul and I celebrated our 31st Wedding Anniversary on March 18. Paul had a dozen roses delivered to my place of employment. They were beautiful and they smelled wonderful. It has gone by so fast. I love being married.
Susan and family came for a short stay because Blain's uncle passed away from cancer. I bought Paige a little dress which looked so cute on her.
Paul said yesterday that he is finally feeling not so tired. He still is missing part of the hair on his head. We are not sure whether it will grow back or not.
Makayla is on Spring Break and had her wisdom teeth pulled on Monday. They were impacted so they knocked her out. She is really puffy and looks pretty funny. I have not been able to stop from laughing at her funny face.
We purchased an elliptical machine and it was delivered yesterday. Clayton came from Rexburg and helped me put it together. I can tell that it is going to be a hard workout. I was only able to stay on it for about 15 minutes and that was on tension level 1. My arms and my behind are kind of sore today from the workout. I gave my old treadmill to a friend of mine. I am really looking forward to more workouts on the elliptical.
I went to a wedding reception for my friend Juliet. She looked so happy. She seems to have found the right guy and he comes with a daughter. Juliet loves his little girl and will make a wonderful mother. They looked so in love with each other. I am very happy for her.
I really wanted to add some photos to this blog but I cannot get them to work.
Everyone have a great weekend. love you all. bye now.
Susan and family came for a short stay because Blain's uncle passed away from cancer. I bought Paige a little dress which looked so cute on her.
Paul said yesterday that he is finally feeling not so tired. He still is missing part of the hair on his head. We are not sure whether it will grow back or not.
Makayla is on Spring Break and had her wisdom teeth pulled on Monday. They were impacted so they knocked her out. She is really puffy and looks pretty funny. I have not been able to stop from laughing at her funny face.
We purchased an elliptical machine and it was delivered yesterday. Clayton came from Rexburg and helped me put it together. I can tell that it is going to be a hard workout. I was only able to stay on it for about 15 minutes and that was on tension level 1. My arms and my behind are kind of sore today from the workout. I gave my old treadmill to a friend of mine. I am really looking forward to more workouts on the elliptical.
I went to a wedding reception for my friend Juliet. She looked so happy. She seems to have found the right guy and he comes with a daughter. Juliet loves his little girl and will make a wonderful mother. They looked so in love with each other. I am very happy for her.
I really wanted to add some photos to this blog but I cannot get them to work.
Everyone have a great weekend. love you all. bye now.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Latest News...
Well I have been slow about blogging lately. I love to read all of your blogs. Paul has completed his radiation treatments. He lost the hair on the top right side of his head. He has been very tired. The doctor said that these would be the two things that happened to him. It has not stopped him at all though. He is always working or on the move doing something. We are very thankful that all has gone so well. He checks back with the oncologist in 30 days to see if all of the cancer is gone. Then checkups every three months for the next two years. We just purchased a new tv to have mounted on the wall in the front room. It is really nice to watch a movie, just like our own theatre. We just watched Australia on Sunday of last week and I lovvvvvved the movie. Hugh Jackman is a fine specimen. I loved the little boy he was so sincere and intense. In fact I loved all of the characters in the movie. I would highly recommend the movie but be sure to have three hours of time.
Right now I am hooked on the sound track from Mama Mia and am constantly singing the songs. I think Makayla is getting sick of it but she has not said to stop yet.
Makayla started drivers ed this week and has her first drive on Tuesday. Just a warning is case you do not want to be on the road or sidewalk. Actually I thing she will do a great job. Paul has had her driving when we went camping this last Summer to give her some idea of how it is done.
I joined Weight Watchers about 5 weeks ago so that I could get a handle on my weight. I have been able to lose 12 1/2 lbs so far. It really helps when I have to go weigh in and listen to the lectures that are given each week. I will always have to be conscious of watching what I eat. It has also gotten me back on exercising regularly. Which is 90% of why I have gained weight lately(because I was not exercising).
Well everyone have a great week. Do not forget to wear your green on St Patrick's Day, unless you want to get pinched. bye now.
Right now I am hooked on the sound track from Mama Mia and am constantly singing the songs. I think Makayla is getting sick of it but she has not said to stop yet.
Makayla started drivers ed this week and has her first drive on Tuesday. Just a warning is case you do not want to be on the road or sidewalk. Actually I thing she will do a great job. Paul has had her driving when we went camping this last Summer to give her some idea of how it is done.
I joined Weight Watchers about 5 weeks ago so that I could get a handle on my weight. I have been able to lose 12 1/2 lbs so far. It really helps when I have to go weigh in and listen to the lectures that are given each week. I will always have to be conscious of watching what I eat. It has also gotten me back on exercising regularly. Which is 90% of why I have gained weight lately(because I was not exercising).
Well everyone have a great week. Do not forget to wear your green on St Patrick's Day, unless you want to get pinched. bye now.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Latest News...
Well we found out that Paul is in Stage one of his cancer so it is curable. He started radiation this week on Monday and so far is not feeling any effects except for some minor stinging about 15 minutes after each treatment. He has to go in 5days a week for 4 weeks. Then the oncologists will monitor his health very closely for the next two years. We feel very lucky that everything has turned out as it has.
I am so tired of the cold here in Idaho Falls. I am not much of a winter person. It was -8 when I went to work today. It hurts to step outside. The only good thing is that the sun is shining.
Everyone have a great Valentines Day Weekend. Love you all. bye now.
I am so tired of the cold here in Idaho Falls. I am not much of a winter person. It was -8 when I went to work today. It hurts to step outside. The only good thing is that the sun is shining.
Everyone have a great Valentines Day Weekend. Love you all. bye now.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Good News!!!!
So we went to Paul's oncologist yesterday and the bone marrow biopsy came back negative. So no cancer in the bone marrow. Which means that Paul is in stage one of the cancer that he has and it is curable. He starts the radiation in the next few weeks. Which the doctor tells us will kill the cancer spot that is on his head. We are so thankful for all of your prayers on Paul's behalf. We will keep you up to date on any further developments as we find them out.
We went to another cooking class this last weekend and learned how to make the Dutch version of German pancakes. It was really yummy and lots of fun. We came home and made a dessert pancake the same day. They are fun to watch cooking in the oven because they rise so fast.
We just installed a web cam on our computer and gave one to Susan and family for Christmas. It is lots of fun to talk to the kids and see them at the same time. We go through skype which is a free service and have been having lots of fun doing the camera thing. You should all get one so that we can talk to each other on the computer and see all of your lovely faces. Well everyone have a great week. bye now.
We went to another cooking class this last weekend and learned how to make the Dutch version of German pancakes. It was really yummy and lots of fun. We came home and made a dessert pancake the same day. They are fun to watch cooking in the oven because they rise so fast.
We just installed a web cam on our computer and gave one to Susan and family for Christmas. It is lots of fun to talk to the kids and see them at the same time. We go through skype which is a free service and have been having lots of fun doing the camera thing. You should all get one so that we can talk to each other on the computer and see all of your lovely faces. Well everyone have a great week. bye now.
Friday, January 16, 2009
We went to Paul's doctor and he gave us the results of the PET scan. It came back negative which is exactly what we wanted. (which means everything was clear from that test and the blood test that he took also). Now Paul goes in on Jan 22 for a bone marrow biopsy to see if it has gone into the bone. If that is clear he will only need radiation on the spot found in his head and it is curable if not clear then he will be going through chemotherapy to keep the cancer in remission for the rest of his life. We are praying for it to be clear. We will be fasting as a family on Sunday for some great results for next week. We will keep you updated.
On a lighter note Paul and I went to a cooking class on Monday to learn how to make easy pizza. It was delicious and lots of fun. We also learned how to make baked donuts, which are also so yummy. If you come to our house for a visit we can make you some. Everyone have a great weekend. bye now.
On a lighter note Paul and I went to a cooking class on Monday to learn how to make easy pizza. It was delicious and lots of fun. We also learned how to make baked donuts, which are also so yummy. If you come to our house for a visit we can make you some. Everyone have a great weekend. bye now.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Cancer update..
We went to the doctor yesterday and the exact words of the doctor are
"It is a cancer that you can live with but will not die from" This is really all I needed to hear to make me feel better. Paul has low grade b cell lymphoma. He will going thru some staging to find out what stage the cancer is at starting with his first test next Tuesday with a PET body scan. If they find nothing in that test then they will be doing a bone marrow biopsy. If he has gone past stage four it is not curable but managable. If it is still in stage one it can be cured. We will keep you informed as we find out more information and as the tests proceed. We felt very relieved after our visit with Dr Shull yesterday and much more informed as to what Paul would be going thru. Thanks again for all the phone calls and prayers. Love you. bye now.
"It is a cancer that you can live with but will not die from" This is really all I needed to hear to make me feel better. Paul has low grade b cell lymphoma. He will going thru some staging to find out what stage the cancer is at starting with his first test next Tuesday with a PET body scan. If they find nothing in that test then they will be doing a bone marrow biopsy. If he has gone past stage four it is not curable but managable. If it is still in stage one it can be cured. We will keep you informed as we find out more information and as the tests proceed. We felt very relieved after our visit with Dr Shull yesterday and much more informed as to what Paul would be going thru. Thanks again for all the phone calls and prayers. Love you. bye now.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Well we made it through the holidays. We had a wonderful Christmas. Susan and family stayed at our house and boy did Santa ever spoil the Susan's kids and Makayla. It was fun to have little children here for Christmas. Danielle and Clayton went to Oregon for Christmas. Harmoni came over Christmas morning and handed out gifts. We had a lovely meal of turkey and dressing. It was really yummy. We spent New Years eve with family and friends with our traditional game of bowling and then home for food, treat and more games. We played a new game that we bought called Loaded Questions. It is so much fun to play and we laugh hysterically every time we play it.
We went and had family pictures taken just before Christmas and it was about time. The last time we had them taken was about ten years ago.
We were very happy with the photos. It kind of made me sad because everyone is so grown up now.
We also lost Paul's mom just after Thanksgiving. A blessing because she was so sick but we miss her very much. It seems very strange to go to their home and not have Bernice be there.
We also received some news that Paul has been diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma cancer. We are pretty freaked out right now but we go to see the Oncologist Monday afternoon to find out more about exactly where we go from here and how far it is advanced and more specifics on what he has. We have been praying for comfort and good news. We are very thankful for all of the calls from family and friends and all of your prayers on Paul's behalf. There is so much power in prayer. We will let all of you know what is going on as soon as we find out. Take care, Happy New Year to all. bye now.
We went and had family pictures taken just before Christmas and it was about time. The last time we had them taken was about ten years ago.

We also lost Paul's mom just after Thanksgiving. A blessing because she was so sick but we miss her very much. It seems very strange to go to their home and not have Bernice be there.
We also received some news that Paul has been diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma cancer. We are pretty freaked out right now but we go to see the Oncologist Monday afternoon to find out more about exactly where we go from here and how far it is advanced and more specifics on what he has. We have been praying for comfort and good news. We are very thankful for all of the calls from family and friends and all of your prayers on Paul's behalf. There is so much power in prayer. We will let all of you know what is going on as soon as we find out. Take care, Happy New Year to all. bye now.
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