Friday, February 22, 2008


What a busy week. My office is moving again and there are so many things to get done
before the move. We had a really nice enrichment last night. We made up goody bags and treats for some of the older members of our ward then we delivered them with a quick visit. I went and did a temple session yesterday and it really made my day alot better. I went in the earlier afternoon and it is a great time of day to go. I went to the CE Gale basketball games with Makayla this week and the games were really close and kept you on the edge of your seat. Makayla wanted me to come so that her friends could see who her mother was. I hope that they approved.
Well I had better get back to work. bye now.


Susan, Blain & kids said...

I am sure that her friends approved, after all you are a pretty cool mom. So you never told me that your office is moving again, and why is that? I hope that you have a great week! Love you always, Susan.

Jenn said...

Moving and office sounds like a huge job! I hope that it goes well. Is it freezing up there? We have been in Logan all weekend and I have been soooo cold. I hope that all is well with you and your family. Hope to see you soon!


Susan, Blain & kids said...

You are so funny you change your blog layout more than anyone I have ever seen. Love you!